Top Award-Winning Landscaping Company in Sri Lanka.

Have a Question? Call Us: +9476 674 4544

Sri Lanka's Leading Landscaping Company


Hokandara road,Thalawathugoda


Mon-Sat:7.00am to 6.30pm

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I want to reorganize my garden, how should I do that?
Once you inform us about your requirement one of our agents will visit the place and ask your ideas as well. Then with our 15 years of experience we will add our ideas that go well with your ideas and requirements and within 03 hours you will be provided with a drawing and an estimation for the project.
I want to apply stones in my garden. Do you undertake such projects as well?
Of course we do. We have interlock stones, natural stones, and point stones, flat stones, cement based stones or any variety as such. One of our agents will visit and measure the site, then he will show you the sample design and the variety of stone that is to be used, within 3 hours the estimation will be in your hands!
I want to plant some big trees in the garden such as fruit trees, wild trees. How to do that?
We can do that. We have fruit trees, wild trees or any other kind of tree of 1 to 25 feet height. You can either visit our plant nursery or one of the agents can visit the replantation site or you can choose the required tree by images and we can discuss the price to start the work.
How is it possible to replant a very old and huge wild or fruit tree in another it real?
We can do that. We use a modern technology called “root ball” to replant any huge tree, it can be a fruit tree, a wild tree or any kind of huge tree. After the tree undergoes the root ball process it should stay in the replanted location for 60 days for seasoning. The seasoning time depends on the size of the tree.
Do you undertake gardening works such as grass cutting, branch cutting, shaping trees, cleaning flower beds, composting and other garden maintenance works?
Yes. We undertake any kind of garden maintenance work such as grass cutting, branch cutting, shaping trees, cleaning flower beds, and composting. We can do that upon your request or monthly vise.
Some grass areas have become red or brown or dull in colour. Some grass areas have died. What can be done?
First our agent should visit and inspect the site. Sometimes the issue is lack of fertilizer. Sometimes termites are the reason. Or even lack of sunshine can make such outcomes. Our agent will definitely provide you with the suitable solution.
Some random spots in grass areas have died. What is the solution?
There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Maybe because of termites, or too much retention of rain water, too much shade, too much trampled. One of our agents will visit the site and provide the best solution.
Fruit trees don’t bear any fruit. Flower trees don’t bear flowers. Is there any solution?
When fruit trees don’t bear any fruit, they should be pruned and fertilized on time. Flower plants also should undergo the same process after bearing one round of flowers. Many more solutions are available. Our agent will guide you.
My garden doesn’t have a proper water drainage system. Rain water remains inside the garden. Do you have solutions for that as well?
That can happen in any garden. Some gardens have not been levelled properly. Or else some peak land areas or stones make the water flow obstructed. Land should be rearranged and levelled so the problem will be gone forever.
There are some visible white coloured living organisms in the branches of plants and trees. What should be done?
We have the required medical solution. We can use chemical or organic pesticides for the affected plants. The solution should be sprayed from time to time. The problem can be resolved easily.
What can be done for the damage done by caterpillars, snails to the plants, trees and ornamental plants?
It is better if we can remove the insects from trees one by one rather than applying pesticides.
I want to rearrange the available pond.
We can do that for you. We will provide you with natural waterfalls, latest pond designs, water curtains and other water feature designs.
It is exhausting to water the garden every day. Do you install Water sprinkles, sprinkle pop ups, drip irrigation, mist spray, manual and auto irrigation systems?
We install water sprinkles in many different ways. We fix irrigation systems for landscape gardens, vegetable beds, coconut plantations and any other cultivation. We install any kind of Water sprinkles, sprinkle pop ups, drip irrigation, mist spray, manual and auto irrigation systems. Solutions are available for both newly designed gardens and old gardens.
What can I do for the plant root that runs in walls, and buildings, penetrating and breaking the walls?
We have solutions for that. As a permanent solution we can fix the stainless steel plate or as a temporary solution we can use a polythene paper to stop the growth of roots. Our agent will provide you with the proper solution.
How to soil fill the rooftop garden and plant flower plants?
We can address your request. First we should know how much weight the slab can bear. For grass to grow the soil layer should be at least 8 inches of width. Also slab should be properly water proofed and plastered well so the water will nor retain in any area. Also before filling with soil drain cells, three quarter stones, geotextile and soil should be laid in layers. This should be done with proper attention and care. Our agent should visit the place and then he will guide you with the plan and estimation both.

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